An absolutely hilarious event happened recently. I got a call from my trusty dad a bit out of breath. To put in kindly and mildly, he is not the “handy type.” Way more cerebral than crafty (which in my opinion is always a better quality). The problem is that he often attempts to fix things, and in turn we sometimes still have to call an expert out eventually. It is always the thought that counts, but that gets hard after 9 years of saying he will fix the running toilet. I eventually just called a plumber when I was in Florida for the holidays. While he claimed to be upset because “he could do it easily,” I also saw a big sign of satisfaction that I took executive action.
That brings me back to the other morning. He was in a fit of frustration over the fact that our front door handle had broke inside. As he tried to “fix it,” I told him he should probably just get a new one. But he tried to fix it and decided to use the lifetime warranty. New parts arrive soon! We will see. I have since been looking at door handles, trying to get inspired for the eventual new purchase. There are so many styles to choose from. Of course, my favorites are when the knob is centered in the door, but not all doors are created equal. Here are just a few of my new favorites I have recently found.