I heART it All: Mckenzie Dove

This month into the next, I want to focus on some of my favorite artists. If you think about it, art is really such an integral part of design. I have always thought that until I can afford really nice art, I won’t have anything at all! It is SO not the case anymore. The art world has really become more accessible to artists and clients through social media. By way of instagram, I have discovered so many wonderful artists that I would love to showcase here on the blog. Recently, I have been gravitating towards more abstract pieces. I love the juxtapostion of modern art with more timeless design. I feel it brings a breathe of life and fresh air into a space.
The first artist I want to highlight today is Mckenzie Dove. This Dallas native now lives in Birmingham and creates work that compliments any well designed space. Her pieces incorporate texture and bring about a peaceful beauty to any room. I love the neutral tones and great depth within her art. I truly hope you enjoy this glimpse into her wonderful world of art.
To see more of her work and even shop some prints: click here
@mckenziedove on instagram


Also, Happy Valentine’s Day!  I love all my fabulous followers XOXO

If you are in Dallas, one of Mckenzie’s pieces will be available at Studio 212. Click here for details

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I own one of her smaller prints that I am looking forward to framing.

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Mine is similar to this piece. I will show my frame choices on the blog soon!

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Depth of texture

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