Reality Check

I must admit, I love a good dose of reality TV. I could watch Andy Cohen chat up the housewives on Bravo all the live long day. I know that it is often mindless and overly dramatic, but it is a fun way to unwind after a day of heavy news (like yesterday) and purposeful work. Like all television shows I often pick favorites, so imagine my delight when discovering that two of my favorite California housewives have their homes on the market.

Yolanda Foster and her husband, renown musician and composer David Foster, listed their custom Malibu mansion for $27 million in the spring, and recently reduced the price to $24.9 million. The home is famed for the Foster’s large parties and beautiful grounds full of lemon trees, not to mention the wonderful views of the Pacific. Further south in Orange County, Shannon Beador and her husband David are selling their Orange County home for $13 million. Their four-story home is decorated by Robert Ricker and includes a basketball court and formal gardens. These homes may be a little over the top, but then so are the wives in them.

I figure it is Friday, why not have a little fun?!


The Foster’s Home: Malibu


David and Yolanda Foster

Yolanda and David Foster

David and Yolanda Foster Malibu 11

David and Yolanda Foster Malibu 12

David and Yolanda Foster Malibu 2

David and Yolanda Foster Malibu 5       David and Yolanda Foster Malibu 13  David and Yolanda Foster Malibu 15 David and Yolanda Foster Malibu 12

David and Yolanda Foster Malibu 2David and Yolanda Foster Malibu 6 David and Yolanda Foster Malibu 17 David and Yolanda Foster Malibu 16

David and Yolanda Foster Malibu 14

David and Yolanda Foster Malibu Home 9David and Yolanda Foster Malibu 4

David and Yolanda Foster Malibu Home 8

David and Yolanda Foster Malibu 18

David and Yolanda Foster Malibu 10

*photos from Chris Cortazzo Reality

The Beador’s House: Orange County


Shannon and David Beador

Shannon and David Beador








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*photos from HOM Group Sotheby’s


More Scoop:

The Fosters

The Beadors