This long weekend was a lovely recharge and a much needed extra 24 hours to get things accomplished. It is always the things that are “on the to-do list” that get pushed back day after day. As I was running errands on Saturday afternoon, I drove down a busy street that has some beautiful Dallas homes, but are very exposed to traffic any time of day. I happened to see a sign that read “open garden” on the side of the road. I peered out my window and noticed it was a home that I had always been curious about. The house is not visible by the road, so it has always been a bit of a mystery to me. As I drove past it, the voice in my head said “turn around.” I managed to find myself back in front of the house and paid $7 for a non-member garden club ticket. As I walked past the gate, I knew I made the right choice.
The house that sits upon a small hill has a bit of California and a bit of Italian romance aesthetic. I had 6% battery left on my phone, so I knew I needed to catch my breath (from the beauty of it all) and get to work. The landscape, by Robert Bellamy, had so many unexpected turns and elements throughout it made me feel as if I was in a wandering dream. There was potted boxwood, tall cypress, lush greenery that looked as if it has been there for a thousand years, a giant bird cage filled with white doves, a fountain of shells, and a chicken coup garden with potted mums and boxwood. It was a lot to take in. To be honest, I am not quite sure I have digested the splendor of it all. Also, it had a seasonally superb display of pumpkins. I think you can agree, this garden is beyond heavenly and serenely chic.
Enjoy your day! XO TPB
Photos by Christina Dandar for The Potted Boxwood
Upon walking in I was greeted by beautiful terracotta pots of all shapes and sizes. After leaving this garden, I became a huge fan of white potted mums!
More pots.
Can you see how this was just the most fabulous surprise!! So much gorgeous green everywhere!!
I love the large ferns by the door. Honestly, I loved everything about this house. I definitely felt like I left Dallas for 15 minutes.
A great display of white, yellow, and light green pumpkins mixed with mums.
Climbing ivy is so enchanting.
Look at those shutters. An interesting color palette of pale pink and green paint.
Can you see the texture and layers in the garden. There is nothing overly formal about this landscape at all, which is what makes it so fun!
Notice the landscape of hanging pots and plants on the upper railing.
Potted mums on a Juliet balcony.
A display of beautiful tiles and shells on this wall fountain.
The back of the property.
Potted boxwood everywhere. I love the mushroom shape of the clipped boxwood.
White potted mums.
The most chic chicken coop ever.
Steps and paths of green.
Well clipped and maintained. You know how much I love pea gravel!
Is this real life? I told you it was literally like I was in a dream. There is a busy city surrounding this home. It is incredible what good landscaping can do to transform a space.
I love the flume of the fire.
This is my new favorite display of boxwood. I saw this similarly in San Miguel this summer.
It was the best $7 I have ever spent, hope you can see why!