As many college students head back to school, there will be a plethora of anxiety ridden girls who are about to go through sorority rush. These girls will have aching smile muscles, sore throats, and an earful of gossip over where to pledge and what decision they should make. Take it from my experience, everything will work out the way it is meant to be! While I am not condoning picking a sorority house based on the beauty of a home, it sure does make your 4 year allegiance that much sweeter.
Southern Living recently did a round-up of some of the most beautiful sorority houses in the south, and you will be blown away to see the intertwined elegance of design and function. It would be hard to finish school in 4 years when you are living in a mansion that has been professionally decorated with a cook. While you can’t take the house with you, at least you get to keep the friends made in it. Happy rushing to all the young girls out there, and happy waiting for all those mommy legacies!
All photos from Southern Living unless otherwise noted.
My own photo from the Chi Omega house at Southern Methodist University. I am partial to this one :). It really is gorgeously decorated.
The dining area of the Chi Omega house at SMU.
Again, my own photo of the wings of the dining area at SMU’s Chi Omega house.
The casual living/TV area of the Chi Omega house at SMU. This room has a great den ambience.
DG at the University of Alabama. A great clean living space.
Kappa Delta at University of North Carolina. Hues of blues and sea foam greens. I would gladly move right in.
Chi Omega at the University of Missouri. Now that is quite the staircase!
Kappa Kappa Gamma at University of Arkansas. WOW! I would purposefully do extra laps of college to live here. Love the touch of boxwood and blue and white.
More blue and white at KKG at Arkansas. (I have been to the Chi O house at Arkansas and that is quite incredible too!).
The formal living area of Kappa Kappa Gamma at Arkansas. It looks more like the interior of a beautiful family residence than of a communal home.
The dining room at KKG Arkansas. I adore how they continued the striped wallpaper on the ceiling. Scales down the room!
A more casual living room at KKG Arkansas. They used great consistency with blue and white and stripes.
The Phi Mu house at University of Georgia. A beautiful display of black and white and southern charm.
A dining area at Tri Delta at the University of Mississippi.