Happy, Happy, Oh Happy Thursday. Why is it that weeks after holidays feel even longer than regular weeks?? Anyway, I know many of you have found this blog through my friend Jennifer (like in actual face to face friendship as opposed to cyber friends), who is over at the Belclaire House Blog. You also may know that Jennifer has been super duper busy raising two of the most adorable, Ralph Lauren ad worthy little boys to ever exist. However, she has started posting again recently and yesterday’s post made me have a Bravo worthy smile.
I admit, I watch Bravo. It is a guilty pleasure worthy of all things Real…(housewives) and all things Southern…(charm). Sorry if you don’t watch, it might be hard to follow. The Belclaire House post yesterday was just SO good that I had to share it with you. So take a peek below and head over to see Jennifer to make your Thursday one that is full of southern charm courtesy of Mario Buatta. It may be trash TV, but this is not trash decor.
See The Fab Post Here! See a quick preview below….