Classics Continued

Nick Olsen

Have you ever gone car shopping to look at a particular car make and model, then you drive around and that is the only car you seem to see on the road? Suddenly, something that was a private recognition is buzzing all around you. That is how I feel about my recent and most popular post, In Defense of Grandma. I thought it was a personal observation, yet have come to discover it is in the hearts and minds of many with taste and expertise that far outweigh my own.

Nick Olsen posted an article he contributed to in the Chicago Tribune. It is titled “Antiques for millennials: You want old stuff — you just don’t know it yet.”  I first saw the link to this story on The Glam Pad‘s instagram. Andrea is another excellent blogger who appreciates beautifully chic and classic design. She once said, “we are starting a movement,” in reference to bringing back elegant and timeless design. If you don’t get it, you don’t get it. If you do, well, this is for you.


Enjoy some of Nick Olsen’s gorgeous work below from Architectural Digest. Photos by Pieter Estersohn


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