If you were wondering where my beautiful garden stools went that I found from an antique sale in Asia, they went to my good friend (actually in real life) Jennifer from the Belclaire House Blog in Kansas City. I wish I had a thousand replicates, but sadly I only had this slightly aged and totally enchanting pair. I couldn’t ask for them to go in more appreciated and chic hands! Jennifer’s links are always worthy of a read and her blog is an inspiration to all of my blue and white admiring beauties.
There still is more to be had in my Pop-Up Shop! Don’t forget about Dana Mahnke’s exquisite hand painted ornaments. For those who have ordered, they should ship out soon! Now I am off to entertain for the weekend. A bigger undertaking than I imagined after moving. PS: How does one person acquire so much stuff?!? Pretty stuff stays, paperwork goes….That is my motto these days. Don’t try it at home 🙂