I need to catch up. I have about 200 tabs open in my head right now and I need to start clearing them out. With an upcoming move, an upcoming addition to the blog, and many other events happening in my world, I am going to take a slight break in my usual posts this week. However, I am not going to leave you empty handed. In fact, I am going to give you a sneak preview each day of some of the goodies that will be popping up on the blog next month. While I have thought about keeping all these fabulous pieces for myself, I decided I would share the love of these handpicked beauties with all of you! I have very limited quantities, so I want all of you to have advanced warning of what will be coming, because ( knowing my readers) it will probably go very quickly. Stay tuned for more information!!!
The Potted Boxwood Pop-Up Shop
Popping Up Online November 2015