When you rent a space, a certain challenge is automatically accepted. You can’t change the structure. You just hope it has “good bones” to work with. You have to tolerate your floors, your appliances, and the owner’s carpet choices. Luckily, there are some things that you can change that will make a big impact. Light fixtures are one simple fix that make a substantial statement. Another big impact you can make is with curtains and the walls. Paint is always possible, wallpaper is not as straightforward.
I love, love, love wallpaper. It had a really bad rap for a long time, yet wallpaper can add the ideal balance to a room. It can insert texture; it can incorporate pattern; and it can give your walls dimension. It pains me to step away from the paper, but I think I have found some solutions. Removable wallpaper. Have you heard of it? Have you used it? Well, I am actively researching this route to make my new powder room and guest bath have a little more oomph. Of course, I really want a pretty chinoiserie pattern a la de Gournay and Gracie, but that ideal temporary paper does not exist. I also think a dark grasscloth could be wonderful with sconces and great prints on the wall….
A chic jade wallpaper by Hygge & West.
Blue and white made right by Tempaper.
A fantastic and vibrant chinoiserie wallpaper by Spoonflower.
Brewster wallpapers. I love the soft color but abundant texture.
Nature Trail Duck Egg wallpaper by Graham and Brown.
Black and White Speckle wallpaper from Chasing Paper.
A blue and white pattern by Swag Paper.
A gray and white wonder by Kate Zaremba on Etsy.
Black and white check wallpaper. This would look so good with lots of potted boxwood. By Livettes on Etsy.
Gray burlap wallpaper by Tempaper. Would be wonderful in a small powder room.
A fantastic pattern mix and color injections from Timothy Sue.
Gold dots can make for a joyful and vibrant wall setting. Especially with some beautiful pieces of black and gold antiques. By Walls Need Love
A python infusion by Wall Candy Arts. A great infusion of texture, especially for a bar or small space.