…In San Fransisco. Well, I didn’t leave my heart anywhere, but someone who holds a big place in mine is moving there this weekend. Finding friends is hard enough, but finding best friends is a whole other category. I am lucky to have a few very close friends, the kinds that just aren’t available when it is convenient or their significant other is out of town. While I just recently lost one to Nashville, loosing another so soon feels almost unbearable. On the bright side, I will have much more time to make for all of my boxwood friends 😉
Fortunately for me, my friend Katlin decided to move to a pretty cool city that is close to lots of wine (which suits her perfectly). She also is choosing to live in a very posh neighborhood (which also suits her perfectly). So while I write this with tears streaming down my face, I also write with a tremendous amount of gratitude that I was able to find such a great friend and have great anticipation for all of the fun we will have in our visits together in a lively, winding, and close to wine country town.
Best wishes Kat and Nawder…engaged and in a new place to stay! I hope this post will inspire your current house hunting ambitions.
This spectacular Pacific Heights home is by Susan Greenleaf via Lonny.
A 1967 Pacific Heights residence. Look at the door, the boxwood, the beautiful black- in love!
Contemporary art, classic furniture, and very sophisticated juxtaposition.
Blue and white on display. Notice the block moldings of the wall.
Herringbone floors and an eclectic combination of accessories in this hallway.
A kitchen of gray and chic subway tile. Definitely an image you have seen before on the blog.
I love how Greenleaf doesn’t let any one type of style dominate a room. Everything counteracts each other to create balance.
I love the mirrors flanking the bed and the pop of blue.
I love this!
All of the bathrooms in this home are so perfectly appointed. Playful wallpaper, contrasting floors, and chic combinations of color.
The art keep the bathroom bright.
Fantastic detail from the door to the tassel.
Notice how the walls play on the colors in the bed,
I love the dynamic nature of this home. An addition of contemporary to a very currently classic interior.
Soft pink and a subtle mix of pattern.
Notice the potted boxwood on the roof. The more of them the merrier.