Industrial Views

October 17, 2014

While I don’t ever foresee myself having industrial windows, I do appreciate them and the aesthetic that they bring to a space. Who wouldn’t want to walk into a room of a large wall of windows with striking frames? They are architecturally significant all on their own accord. In my opinion, the key is to mix

Details in Dallas

October 16, 2014

Apologies for my absence yesterday, I have a bit much going on (the word over-extended comes to mind). Honestly, it feels like a lot is going on all around me. If you don’t live under a rock, you will know that Ebola is a hot topic in Dallas and around the world.  If you follow

N Y Chic

October 14, 2014

Do you ever have grand plans for a trip? Restaurants you must go to and places you must see? I think when you travel somewhere you can get “eyes bigger than your stomach,” and not only for fabulous food. I was constantly on the go and unable to take as many chic in NYC pictures

Big Apple Bound

October 9, 2014

I am off to NYC! Check @thepottedboxwood on instagram and @pottedboxwood on twitter for fun design updates from the city. See you back here Tuesday! Pugs and Kisses! XO- CD of TPB A past and favorite cover of the New Yorker by Ana Juan 

A NYC Townhouse With A Twist

October 8, 2014

Continuing with my NYC trend, I wanted to feature one of my favorite townhouses that was built in the 1870’s and designed by Jeffrey Bilhuber. Bilhuber is one of my favorite designers due to his creative elegance and playful approach to decor. He arranges his furniture traditionally, but adds patterns and colors that are extremely current. His

Urban Gardens

October 7, 2014

I am excited to announce that I will be going to New York City at the end of this week! It has been some time since I have been to Manhattan and I look forward to sharing my favorite design spots with you all (up to the minute updates on my instagram @thepottedboxwood). In the spirit of

Mirror Mirror

October 6, 2014

When I was a little girl, my grandmother had mirrored walls in her kitchen. I would spend hours just staring and playing in front of the mirrors (In my defense, I was an only child….). There is just something so mesmerizing about mirrors that keep people looking in them and for them. Mirrors are the

Ridder Me This

October 3, 2014

Katie Ridder knows how to make every room camera ready. Her years spent working at House & Garden and House Beautiful prepped her for an incredibly successful career as an interior designer. Her style is sophisticated and comfortable with punches of bold color, vivid patterns, and welcoming warmth. Her use of color and pattern is

Ottoman Empire

October 2, 2014

Sorry for my lack of post yesterday, I have had about a million things going on…Ebola not being one of them (talk about NOT so chic in Dallas). Anyways, while my brain has been going a mile a minute, I have not quite been able to catch up with that speed. I definitely could use

Bangay Blooms

September 30, 2014

One of my favorite things about having a blog is getting to connect with people all around the world. Interestingly enough, a great deal of my readers are from Australia. Good taste is universal, and I am so happy I have been able to connect with many Aussies through my instagram and other social media